Ordering Process
Ordering Process:
Orders can be placed any day of the week, with an option to courier or collect.
Once payment has been received, we will process your order. Once processed, you will receive tracking details via email. Delivery is anywhere between 1 - 3 days, depending on your area.
ANY orders placed from Thursday-Sunday will only be dispatched the following MONDAY. (Stock availability dependent)
Shipping for Frozen Feeders may incur additional shipping fees, due to an Overnight Service Charge, this office will contact you if further costs will be incurred.
With regards to the Western and Eastern Cape, we unfortunately can no longer guarantee Live arrival on Superworms and Mealworms. Due to the 2-3 day travel time, shipping issues may occur that are out of our control, which may hamper the life span of your worms. We do take every effort in packaging the worms, so that they can survive the travel time and we still strive to get your worms to you happy, healthy and alive.